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How macro fitting works
How macro fitting works
Martin Foley avatar
Written by Martin Foley
Updated over a week ago

Meal planning for fitness coaches can be a time consuming and tricky business, especially when trying to match a client’s individualized dietary needs. That’s why we’ve created Weekmeals to optimize the meal planning process and make it quicker and easier.

Our software fits custom meal plans that take into account not just health objectives and macro goals, but taste preferences, food allergies, and other lifestyle factors as well. All you need to do is specify the targets.

How does it work?

We begin by first optimizing meals based on kcal and protein requirements, which are the essential metrics. In order to maintain (or reach) ideal fitness goals while having adequate energy throughout the day, calories need to be managed accordingly. Macronutrients such as protein carry their own specific importance - proteins play vital roles in metabolism regulation and building body mass when combined with physical activity.

Therefore our software ensures adequate kcal and protein for every meal plan it creates. Knowing that exact precision isn’t always possible or necessary with these macro goals, our software also allows for a degree of tolerance or variation from the original target values when generating meal plans - particularly concerning carbohydrates or fats where reaching an optimal number is much less critical than obtaining proper energy levels or sufficient protein amounts.

This means that the generated meals will still meet nutrient requirements whilst enabling adjustments for special situations such as low-carb diets or ketogenic diets. Having said that however, severe restrictions on macros will limit the variety of meals displayed by default - so it's important not to become too narrowly focused on micro-controlling your planning; a balance between healthy eating and fitting lifestyle habits should remain the main goal at all times.

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